Kota Factory, Season 2

Kota Factory, Season 2

  • Released: 24 September 2021, on Netflix
  • Director: Raghav Subbu
  • Cast: Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Alam Khan, Jitendra Kumar, Ahsaas Channa, Revathi Pillai, Urvi Singh
The much-awaited season 2 of Kota Factory has finally arrived. Let us once again dive into the world of aspirations, broken dreams, and drama!
  • Plot Summary
This Friday we are back in our favourite town of Rajasthan where the numerous coaching institutes are churning out entrance exam toppers like a factory spewing poison into our environment. A lot has happened since we last visited Kota. Vaibhav has now joined Maheshwari Classes. Jeetu Bhaiya, the most loved Physics teacher in the fictional world, is no longer teaching at Prodigy Classes. He has planned to open his institution with more humane methods of teaching. But the aspirants are still living colourful lives full of dreams and hopes even though our eyes are tinted with black and grey and white. Meanwhile, at Maheshwari Classes, the head of the institution delivers a very non-threatening speech (read NOT) about success and failure. In a manner very similar to the Virus of 3 Idiots but devoid of any humour he tells the students wide-eyed with nervousness and ambitions that the results of their Joint Entrance Exam will decide the rest of their lives and the kind of cars they will drive or the house they will live in or the type of wife they will marry(Ummm misogyny much) while making it blatantly clear that his main focus is the success of boys and girls might as well be damned. Jeetu Bhaiya on the other hand who can do no wrong hires a female teacher in his institute to boost the confidence of girls. Season 2 of Kota Factory is funny, emotional which shows the mindsets of young boys and girls who want to crack the legendary exams. There is unrequited romance, heart-breaking homesickness, fear, frustration. But there is also friendship and hope and laughter. Cast Performance These actors can do no wrong. Everyone who comes on screen shines and grabs your attention. From Jeetu Bhaiya with his inspirational speeches at the drop of a hat to Ahsaas Channa as the most endearing agony aunt, everyone delivers an incredible performance. Overall Remarks Obviously, a show about young minds of our country full of determination and motivation to live not just their own but probably a village's dream is bound to be emotional. But the show is not just about that. It brings to attention the endless frustration, broken dreams, gender disparity at colleges, differences in socioeconomic status and makes us squirm in discomfort. A little over three hours, this is not a series set up for disappointment. BY SB  

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