Robin Robin Review

Robin Robin Review

When one opens Netflix nowadays, one is bombarded with suggestions and notifications about Christmas movies. Nestled snuggly among those recommendations is Robin Robin. It is a short movie, barely more than 30 minutes. But even in those short 30 minutes, Robin tugs at your heartstrings. Once upon a time, one solitary egg rolls into the colony where mice live. Upon cracking open, the Robin bird is aptly named Robin. She is welcomed into the family of mice with open hearts. A part of the family, Robin tries to learn their method of surviving. Stealing food from the homes of the who-mans. But try hard as she might Robin is just not able to reach the professional level of stealing as her family. She is different and stands out sorely, much to her dismay. She is clumsy, slow and causes the eviction of her family more than once. One such incident even causes her family to go without food for a whole winter. Determined to set things right, Robin decides to go on an adventure to bring food for her family. She is joined by a cat (who is actually trying to eat her family of mice) and another bird. Robin Robin is not a Christmas movie, it just happens to be set around the time of Christmas. But the story is perfect for the holidays. Fitting in the myth of a Christmas star perched on top of a tree, which makes wishes come true, Robin Robin leaves you feeling all warm and mushy. Even though the plots of not fitting in, coming unto your true self have been used and abused numerous times, Robin still is special and memorable. The music, the animation, the fantastic story, all leave you wanting for more. In less than 30 minutes, this movie leaves a much greater impact. If you do not want to spend the whole day watching holiday movies (Although who doesn't!) look no further! This furry little oddball and her family of mice and cats and other birds are perfect for you. Watch Robin the robin become who she truly is in this magical stop animation! By SB  

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