Why You Should Not Scroll By The Bold Type!
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Why You Should Not Scroll By The Bold Type!

The pilot episode of The Bold Type was released in 2017 but with 5 seasons, it has managed to remain at the top trending list. It is a refreshing new take on female friendships and relationships. And not just that. The show even though is about young girls in New York City, is just not limited to their relationships and sex lives, and clothes. Jane, Sutton, and Kat are best friends and work at Scarlet magazine. Jane is a features writer. Sutton is a fashion assistant and, Kat is the social media department director. And they are mentored by Jacqueline Carlyle, who is the Editor-in-chief of Scarlet Magazine. The best thing about The Bold Type is how much the girls support each other. And the kind of conversations and fragile topics it handles. There are episodes dedicated to breast cancer that shows all the perspectives. It shows the point of view of Jane who lost her mother to breast cancer feeling uncomfortable about all the conversations about it whereas there is Kat who as a responsible social media director is getting the word around about prevention of the same. But the episode ends on the tender note of Kat and Sutton standing by Jane and holding her hand when she goes to test for mutation of BRCA genes. Their friendship is too perfect. The unflinching support for being queer, calling out white privilege, talking openly about assault rifles. And these girls are not just about making each other better but also about changing the world one heel, one article, and one tweet at a time. They fight for queers, for women's healthcare, for women of colour who could not finish college, for Muslim lesbians, for rape survivors. And their mentor is a saint. She doles out advice about professional and personal life regularly. The boyfriends are supportive and sometimes immoral and the families even though are not perfect, do come around in the end. The Bold Type does sometimes seem too good to be true. The girls are always impeccably dressed. Their hair is perfectly blow-dried. The boss is on a first-name basis with the entire staff. And they spend more time in the fashion closet discussing their problems than actually on their work desks. But in such uncertain and less than perfect times, The Bold Type is a reprieve. It is a haven you can escape into when you miss hugging your best friends or going out with them. I cannot say this enough but please if The Bold Type comes up on your Netflix watch list, do NOT scroll by! Give it a chance. By SB  

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